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Phoenix Estate Sales
2626 W. Indian School Rd., Rear, Phoenix, AZ 85017
This is a sale of items that HAVE NOT BEEN AT ANOTHER ESTATE SALE, obtained from various places. Some furniture items too. The sale will be held at my new warehouse space on W. Indian School Rd.
This sale includes, but is definitely not limited to:
Nice Furniture
Glassware & China
A Huge Fenton Collection! Wow!
Cranberry, Blue, Green, Yellow, Figures, Baskets,
Pitchers, Coin Dot, More!
Blue Willow Dishes
Georges Briard
Alabaster Lamp
Large Clown Collection – Ron’s, Emmett’s, More!
Tools – Small & Large Power Tools
Porter-Cable, Ryobi, Craftsman, Black & Decker,
Binks, Delta, Dremel, Total Trolley
Mirrors, Paintings, Artwork
Really Cute Patio Set
Lots More! We’re still setting up!
Please check our ad at: https://www.estatesales.net/estate-sales/221679.aspx for photos and descriptions.
Lots of neat stuff!!!