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Estate Sales Phoenix
1257 E. Palacio Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85014
This is a very nice sale in Central Phoenix. There are a lot of very nice high-end items at this sale.
This gentleman was in the service and traveled the world. There are a lot of unusual, beautiful items from around the world.
This sale includes, but is definitely not limited to:
An absolutely gorgeous Young Chang piano
Living Room Furniture
Dining Room Furniture
Bedroom Furniture
Electric Bed with Remote
Oriental Items
Antique Chairs
Did we mention dishes??? Lots of dishes!
Huge Set of Noritake
Chintz Noritake
Nice Silver Plated Flatware
Antique American Brilliant Cut Crystal
Glass, China, Lots of Great Items
Vintage Mahogany Telephone Bench
Beautiful Patio Furniture
Artwork – Modern and Vintage
Memorabilia from the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan
And So Much More!
Please check my listing at https://www.estatesales.net/estate-sales/228966.aspx for photos. Thanks!