Just by being at this webpage, it can be concluded that you are thinking about selling your sterling or plated flatware set. How to determine silver flatware value can be a complicated question, so a number of questions will need to be answered first. Is your flatware sterling silver or plated? Is it vintage or modern? Is it in good, like-new condition, or does it show some wear and tear? Hopefully we can help you in your search for silver flatware value.
Selling Silver Flatware
Because silver flatware tends to require high maintenance (needs polishing), silver flatware is not very popular with the current generation of people who entertain. People are slowly selling their valuable pieces in order to save space and avoid the burden of polishing them in order to prevent them from tarnishing. Kathy’s Estate Sales is one good option to sell your silver flatware. In addition to helping you arrive at a current silver flatware value, they can also assist you in selling your flatware.
The Value of Silver Flatware
Silver flatware value depends on a number of variables. It’s a good idea to research and understand the different reasons that determine the value of silver flatware. Here are some ideas on how to learn more about your silver flatware value:
1) Be sure to know the approximate age of your pieces because there is a definite variation in the value. The nicer condition, the better.
2) Presence of monograms can affect the value and lessen it.
3) Larger sized flatware require more silver, and more silver equals more value.
4) The availability of the silverware also dictates the value. Pieces that are no longer available or were limited in production provide higher silver flatware value.
So there you go, now you can sell your pieces based on a higher level of knowledge about what you’re doing. But, before you go and sell them right away please do check out Kathy’s Estate Sales. Call them today!